Image Gallery: Vision and the Eye


Detailed diagram of the human eye.
Diagram of the general mammalian eye (from Encyclopedia Britannica).
A simple diagram of the human eye showing its main structures.
Diagram of the human visual pathway, from Compton's Encyclopedia.
Photograph of the human eye.
Image of rods and cones under a microscope.
Detailed diagram of a rod.
Electron micrograph showing the details of a rod outer segment.
Diagram of retinal structure.
Another picture showing the structure of the retina and its seven layers.
Still another diagram showing the structure of the retina, from Compton's Encyclopedia.
A nicer illustration of retinal structure.
Live picture of the human retina.
Yet another illustration of the retinal layers.
Graph showing the number of rods & cones per square mm. The peak number of cones occurs in the fovea, where it reaches approximately 150,000 cones/mm^2. The rods peak about 20 degrees from the center, and they reach about the same maximum density. Note that because the rod density is so much higher over a large portion of the retina that there are many more rods (120M) than cones (7M).
2 dimensional plot of the cone density in the retina.
Graph showing the spectral sensitivity of the 3 cones (colored graphs) and 1 rod pigment (black graph). Note that the rod pigment is more sensitive to shorter wavelengths than the red and green cones which dominate day vision.
Another graph showing the spectral sensitivity of rods and cones, with a spectrum background for reference.
Graph showing the "photopic efficiency" of the human eye, that is the brightness perceived by a person of a constant radiance source as a function of wavelength. The eye is most sensitive at 555 nm.
Sketch of the relative sensitivity of rods and cones as function of time in the dark. The overall vertical scale is logarithmic and varies by 10 orders of magnitude.
Plot showing the sensitivity of scotopic and photopic vision compared to standard illuminations such as starlight, moonlight, sunlight, etc. The illumination scale is logarithmic, and changes by 14 orders of magnitude.
Diagram showing the chemical process by which the retinal part of the photopigment respond to light.