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 Computer Methods in Physics .docx


MVS job submission, nersp job submission.

Locally written general purpose codes:

Parkin01  PC and mac plotting codes


1.      Fittery\Welcome.htm  -- General description

2.      Fittery\nlfit – Fits data to a function

3.      Fittery\robfit – Analyses spectra

Discrete Fourier Transform

  1. ligo\Power.htm -  A discussion of how the strength of a line changes as the number of points change.
  2. ligo/Nyquist/Welcome.doc – The Nyquist theorem and some of its implications.
  3. The error function conjugate Fittery\nlfit\aigau\Welcome.htm
  4. Link to telecom DetChar.htm

Wave Functions and Monte-Carlo work

1. General Monte-Carlo, Full Monte Carlo test,

2. Variational Monte Carlo.htm

3. Misc.doc



10/18/2001  10:36p              13,864 DoubleOsc.htm .doc

10/21/2001  08:36p              13,123 Outgoing Scattered wave.htm .doc

10/21/2001  08:37p              26,521 Radioactive Decay.htm .doc

10/21/2001  08:39p              20,761 Resonance4.htm .doc

10/21/2001  08:42p              23,543 Resonance5.htm .doc

10/21/2001  08:43p              16,221 GoldenRule.htm .doc


Robfit in its variations

1.    Supernova 1987A fit Tame Theorist --- Fittery\robfit\Welcome.htm
2.  Denton conference
     a.  Nov 1998 fitting spectra to splines an attempt to explain fitting the continuum part of spectra.
     b. Nov 2000 Simulating Detectors an attempt to explain fractional counts and the use of detector simulation in the design of detectors.
3.  There is a surprising amount of radiation in the natural background as seen below. ztcase9

A bit of detail about the natural background and an expansion of some of the regions of this plot is in Ztcase9.

4.  A detailed fit to a set of "essentially" background files is described in the paper Detecting Low Levels of Plutonium with HPGe Spectra

5. Colloquium at UNR April 21, 2000 An attempt to explain curve fitting