PHY 6536
Statistical Mechanics

In this course we will study "statistical physics.'' This subject is a link between the microscopic world of one or two particles and the macroscopic world of Avogadro's number of little particles, all the same. In the micro-world, energy is conserved; the equations are exact, reversible, and can be solved at any level of detail required. In the macro-world the details are lost in some thermodynamic limit; we work with very general relationships among macroscopic properties of systems; and entropy always increases.

The latest announcements will be here


Time and place: MWF 3th (9.35-10.25 AM) NPB 1101
Text R.K. Pathria, Paul D. Beale Statistical Mechanics (Third edition, 2011)

Additional text: J.P. Sethna, Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters and Complexity  (Oxford University Press, 2006). 

Introductory text: Roger Bowley, Mariana Sanchez, Introductory Statistical Mechanics

Instructor: Sergei Obukhov
email: sergei at
Phone: 392-8752
Office: 2164 NPB

Muhammad Imran <muhammadimran at>
352.846.3117  Office: 2151 NPB

lecture notes:
Office hours: 2.00 pm-3.00 pm MW

We will have homework approximately every week, due on Mondays, a midterm on Monday, February 27, and a final exam on April 24.

Methods by which students will be evaluated and their grade determined:
Grades will be based on one midterm exam (25%), one final (35%) and homework (40%). There will be approximately 10 homework assignments.

Other course notes:
All students are required to abide by the Academic Honesty Guidelines of the University of Florida.

Attendance will not be monitored; however, exam questions will come from topics discussed in class.