Free Speech Online!

stand with your lover on the ending earth-

and while a(huge which by which huger than huge)whoing sea leaps to greenly hurl snow

suppose we could not love,dear;imagine

ourselves like living neither nor dead these (or many thousand hearts which don't and dream or many million minds which sleep and move) blind sands,at pitiless the mercy of

time time time time time

-how fortunate are you and i,whose home is timelessness:we who have wandered down from fragrant mountains of eternal now

to frolic in such mysteries as birth and death a day(or maybe even less)

- e. e. cummings

Pages about me and my interests
Come read about me, Ethan
Ancient Greece fascinates me; have a look at my classics page
I'm aspiring to be a physicist, and this is about me and science
This is my tribute to the greatest entertainer ever, Cab Calloway
My favorite novel, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach

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