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APPLIED PHYSICS 2 - Spring 2013



DESCRIPTION: The course covers Chapters 19-31, covering electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics. Some material will be covered and tested with less detail than others. You are responsible for the book, assigned chapter problems, and to hear or note all announcements. Assigned problems are not collected, but solutions and sometimes comments from class are available on the web for this course. The course level is above the level of the unstarred text problems. Do not memorize problem solutions without understanding what the concepts are that underlie the problems. You are also expected to know all the material covered in Physics I.

EXPECTATIONS: You will need to have a working knowledge of algebra and geometry, and familiarity with the elementary functions (sine, cosine, tangent, vectors). For students with weak math skills and for others who simply want help, please see me in my office and we will work on that together. You are expected to be able to work all the assigned problems from the textbook.

EXAMINATIONS: Grades are based on three in-class exams (counting 30 % each), and a final exam (counting 40 %). The lowest scored in-class midterm exam will be dropped. The best two mid-term scores will each count 30% towards your overall score on the course. The other mid-term will count either 0% or 10%, depending on your final exam score. If the final exam score exceeds your lowest mid-term score, the mid-term counts 0% and the final counts 40%; otherwise the mid-term counts 10% and the final counts 30%.

ALL exam questions will be taken from ALL assigned problems and questions in class. Their wordings will be like those problems, but their input data (numbers, angles, units etc.) can differ. Therefore, having worked and understood these problems should enable you to get an excellent grade! This also means that you do not have to review or study any of the old exams.

The final exam is comprehensive, but will emphasize more on problems from the last three weeks of the course.

All exams will have multiple choice formats.

Each in-class exam has 10 problems and the final exam will have 20 problems.

BONUS POINTS WITH In Class H-ITT Remote : A maximum of 5 bonus points in the final grade comes from questions asked in class and answered via the in class remote. These questions will be mostly of conceptual or qualitative nature, and may be asked at any moment during class.

Each question will get credit of 2 points for correct response, 1 points for incorrect response, and 0 points for no response.

NO MAKEUPS, NO SPECIAL TREATMENTS: There will be NO makeup in-class exams, and NO test can be postponed since one will be dropped. Final exam conflicts with other exams will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

GRADES: Your numerical grade is an average percentage, subject to the weighting scheme above. The numerical grades will fully determine your letter grades. The translation of numerical to letter grades has been as follows in the past:

≥82 A
B- ≥38 D+
≥76 A- 52 C+ ≥35 D
≥70 B+ ≥45 C ≥32 D-
≥64 B ≥42 C- <32 E

I will use it as a reference to determine your final grade.