11) Nuclear Physics

a) Radioactivity

Counts in 7sec or 60sec intervals and then pauses the count before starting over.
Values are displayed in LED's and an audible click is heard for each particle detected
I need a days warning so I can get the source
Used with Geiger counter and Radioactive Source. High quality absorber set that varies the density, Non-radioactive samples that give information about size, energy, and storage problems
Involving nuclear energy.
Shows an area of Gainesville likely to have high Radon levels. Shows alpha particle trails in a cloud chamber.
It's very nice but I need two hours to set it up.
b) Gas Tubes Shows an electron beam that can be deflected with a magnetic field Shows the distinctive color of each gas and when viewed through a diffraction grating
Show the spectral lines.
Shows the shadow created when a cross X is placed in an electron beam and is charged
+/- or neutral. I need and hour to set this up.
Shows the deflection of an electron beam as it passes through an electric field created by
Parallel plates. I need an hour to set this up.
c) Atomic Models Shows the photoelectric effect by placing a charge on a magnesium plate that is attached
To an electroscope.
The electroscope show the charge decreasing as the UV lamp is placed next to the
A basic periodic table that has color pictures of the elements.
Big enough for the students to see.
Oleic acid forms a one molecule thick layer on the surface of the water and the area can
Be used to find the size of the molecule and Avogadro's constant.