--- Home --- Pythia --- Isajet --- Herwig ---

          Herwig is a program used by particle physicists to help predict and understand the data from an accelerator experiment. You must first run a modified version of isasugra(isawig) to describe the type of super-symmetric model you wish to study from the ISAJET PAGE. Then you can choose the option from the output page of isasugra to run Herwig events using the decay table created by isawig. This will lead you back to a Herwig form where you can choose beam type, interaction energy, and processes that you are interested in studying, as well as the number of events to be produced.           The standard output from Herwig will contain a detailed listing of the first event, and a short summary of all the events run that includes the cross section for the set of events. The cross section is proportional to the probability that these events will be created given the input data you specified.

Click here to go to the ISAJET page and begin.

---This page originally created by Jonathan Blender (webpage) of REU 2003. Questions or comments directed to jblender@phys.ufl.edu---
--Recently modified and currently maintained by Craig Group. group@phys.ufl.edu--

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