Hi everyone, We are releasing the first version of a translation tool that allows you to visualize CSC chamber information in ORCA using the event display program of the FAST sites (CSC chamber testing sites). The tool is written by Mark Taurence, an undergraduate at UF, and is stored in the newly created TestBeams/MEFASTData package. Below are some instructions on how to get started. Basically, you run the program on your favorite database so that you convert ORCA data into the raw data format of the CSC DAQ system, then you launch the separate FAST site display program to look at the data in various views. It should be useful to understand what is happening at the trigger and reconstruction level. For example, I attach two events from single muons with backgrounds from the neutron parameterization (a hot topic for some of us). We've tested this code using the ORCA_5_3_1 release. Please let us know about your problems running it, and what features you might like to see. We are somewhat constrained by the FAST site program currently. For example, anything beyond 64 wire groups scrolls off the edge of the display. Also, you'll notice that we used the Run number to code certain information. Someday maybe we can get the event_display program improved. Eventually, I hope this sort of information can be incorporated into Iguana, but someone with more expertise will need to help with that. Also, I hope we can go the other way with the data as well: from FAST site format to ORCA. That would really prepare us for LHC data! Enjoy, Darin and Mark Overview -------- Class Name: MuEndMakeFASTData Author: Mark Taurence Purpose: Translates ORCA data to FAST Installing and Building ----------------------- 1) CVS checkout TestBeams/MEFASTData 2) type "scram b" in MEFASTData directory to build library and again in MEFASTData/test disrectory to build executable 3) You will need event_display to view the FAST data For the moment, you can get it from here: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~acosta/oo/evd.tgz Later, we should directly check this out from the FAST site cvs Repository type "tar xvzf evd.tgz" then "make" in event_display-1.0.2 directory to build executable in your bin/ directory 4) The event display program requires libforms.so.0.88 installed on your linux system. If you don't have this, you will need to download the RPMs for that. Ask your system manager how to do that. Running ------- Running MuEndMakeFASTData: Set the LCT filter mode in your .orcarc file: TestBeams:MEFastData:enableLCTFilter = filter mode (0 by default) 0 => all chambers with any hits written to output file by method "writetofile". 1 => only those with trigger (LCT) data are written type "RunFASTdata" to run program a listing of each chamber that has data in each event should be displayed. the run number is a five digit index of each chamber which can be read as follows: digit (from left to right) 1 endcap (1 or 2) 2 station (1 to 4) 3 ring (1 to 4) 4-5 chamber (1 to 36) It will also indicate if the chamber was written to file. This should be all of them if the LCTfilter is set to 0, but may be very few if it is set to 1 Running event_display: type "setenv DATADIR=/maxwell/user4/taurence/fast_daq" (that is, wherever you unpacked the evd.tgz file.) then "event_display" file->open data file select the file (output.dat) file-> configure will allow you to select what data is viewd and how long each chamber is displayed Details ------- MuENDMakeFASTData is provided a pointer to a MuEndChamber object and translates the data into the FAST format readable by the visualization program Event Display. It is also capible of writing only the even ts which have trigger data. It is loosly based on MuEndMAKECWN (for making ntuples from the same input). Constructor: MuEndMakeFASTData(char * = "output.dat"); Opens file in APPEND mode. Output can be replaced with the desired name for the FAST output file. Methods: bool write(MuEndChamber * chamber); void writetofile(int event, int run); "write" translates the ORCA data into FAST. it returns true if the chamber has data (any hits, regardless of trigger s tate). "writetofile" copies data previously translated by "write" to the specified output file (output.dat by default). Depen ding on configuration, can write only those events with trigger data.