subroutine anal2 c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c Run stuff c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none #include "seq/clinc/" c Local variables integer i double precision sigs(3), bfield, beam_pos(3), bdir(3) double precision big_sigs(3) real bfield_correct data bdir/0., 0., 1./ data big_sigs/3*1.e14/ c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Change the beam size sigs(1) = 0.000338 sigs(2) = 0.000030 sigs(3) = bmpos(3,2) * Put the B field and beam information in double precision variables * for call to KWFIT call bfudge(runn, bfield_correct) !Run dependent B field correction bfield = bfie * bfield_correct do i=1,3 beam_pos(i) = bmpos(i,1) enddo * Set B field magniture and direction call kset_bfield(bfield, bdir, .FALSE.) * Set beam position & errors call kset_beam_position(beam_pos, sigs) * Set default vertex errors. Normally the defaults in KWFIT are good * enough call kset_default_vtx_errors(big_sigs) return end