The file new52_snrFromPreProc.m models preproc with Monte Carlo data and writes csd and psd parts to new52_snrdata.mat. Processed, 1-second timeshifted, S5 data from gps time 870290690 to 87033482 is in MC_1ts_map.mat in the form of an ftmap. The file tag_snrcomp.m then creates figure 1 for the IM paper. It first calls the file mkvals.m, which creates xvals and yvals variables for the S5 data, since those variables were not saved by the version of stochMap used to process the data. Then tag_snrcomp.m calls tag_BFcut.m in order to cut out bad frequencies from the data. After the MC data is read in from new52_snrdata.mat, snr is calculated as per preproc. Bar histograms are made of both the S5 and (an equal portion of the) MC data, and alternate bars are displayed in an overlaping map which was used for the figure. Only the region around the peak is plotted. The Gaussian curve fitted to the S5 data is almost exactly a (0,1) Gaussian and is shown for reference.