function [combinedData, errorBar, numSegments] = ... combineResults(combineWhat, inputData, ccSigmas, segmentDuration, ... flow, fhigh, deltaF, doOverlap, window1, window2) % % [combinedData, errorBar, numSegments] = ... % combineResults(combineWhat, inputData, ccSigmas, segmentDuration, ... % flow, fhigh, deltaF, doOverlap, window1, window2) % % Optimally combine cc stats, cc spectra, or sensitivity integrands % depending on input arguments % % Input: % % combineWhat = 'stats', 'spectra', 'sensints' % % inputData: % -for cc stats: a column vector containing the cc statistic values % -for cc spectra: 2-d array containing complex cc spectra % (spectra corresponding to different times are in different rows) % -for sens ints: 2-d array containing real sensitivity integrands % (integrands corresponding to different times are in different rows) % % ccSigmas = column vector of theoretical sigmas % % segmentDuration = length of analysis segment in sec (typically 60) % % flow, fhigh, deltaF: min, max, and frequency spacing needed for % combining cc spectra and sensitivity integrands % (note: we check that floor((fhigh-flow)/deltaF)-1 is consistent % with the number of frequencies given by the columns of inputData) % % doOverlap = 0 standard weighting by 1/sigma_I^2 % = 1 combine data using 50% overlapping windows % window1 = array containing the window used for the first time-series % (should have numPoints = segmentDuration*resampleRate) % window2 = array containing the window for the second time-series % (should have numPoints = segmentDuration*resampleRate) % % Output: % % combinedData: % -for cc stats: the optimal point estimate of Omega0 % -for cc spectra: a frequency-series data structure containing the % integrand of the optimal point estimate of Omega0 % -for sens ints: a frequency-series data structure containing the % integrand of 1/ErrorBar^2 % % errorBar = theoretical error bar for the point estimate % % numSegments = number of data segments combined % % Routine written by Joseph D. Romano. % Contact % % $Id: combineResults.m,v 1.12 2005-02-25 09:36:30 jromano Exp $ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % extract information numSegments = length(ccSigmas); % check consistency of input data if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'spectra', length(combineWhat)) | ... strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) % test valid for freq-series data numFreqs = floor((fhigh-flow)/deltaF)+1; if numFreqs ~= length(inputData(1,:)) error('input data has wrong number of frequencies'); end else % test valid for any input data if numSegments ~= length(inputData(:,1)) error('input data has wrong number of segments'); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % initialize output data arrays for freq-series if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'spectra', length(combineWhat)) | ... strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) data = zeros(numFreqs,1); data_o = zeros(numFreqs,1); data_e = zeros(numFreqs,1); end % construct theoretical variances ccVars = ccSigmas.^2; % apply optimal weighting if ( (doOverlap == false) | (numSegments == 1) ) % error bar ------------------------------------------------------------- errorBar = sqrt(1/sum(1./ccVars)) / segmentDuration; % cc stats -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'stats', length(combineWhat)) ) combinedData = sum((inputData./ccVars)/sum(1./ccVars)) ... / segmentDuration; end % cc spectra ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'spectra', length(combineWhat)) ) for k=1:numFreqs data(k,1) = sum((inputData(:,k)./ccVars)/sum(1./ccVars)) ... / segmentDuration; end end % sens ints ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) data = transpose(sum(inputData,1)) * (segmentDuration^2); end else % construct an array of even and odd indices if mod(numSegments,2)==1 j_o = [1:2:numSegments]'; j_e = [2:2:numSegments-1]'; else j_o = [1:2:numSegments-1]'; j_e = [2:2:numSegments]'; end % error bars ------------------------------------------------------------ errorBar_o = sqrt( 1/sum(1./ccVars(j_o)) ) / segmentDuration; errorBar_e = sqrt( 1/sum(1./ccVars(j_e)) ) / segmentDuration; % cc stats -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'stats', length(combineWhat)) ) combinedData_o=sum((inputData(j_o)./ccVars(j_o))/sum(1./ccVars(j_o))) ... / segmentDuration; combinedData_e=sum((inputData(j_e)./ccVars(j_e))/sum(1./ccVars(j_e))) ... / segmentDuration; end % cc spectra ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'spectra', length(combineWhat)) ) for k=1:numFreqs data_o(k,1) = ... sum( (inputData(j_o,k)./ccVars(j_o) )/sum(1./ccVars(j_o)) ) ... / segmentDuration; data_e(k,1) = ... sum( (inputData(j_e,k)./ccVars(j_e) )/sum(1./ccVars(j_e)) ) ... / segmentDuration; end end % sens ints ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) data_o = transpose(sum(inputData(j_o,:),1))*(segmentDuration^2); data_e = transpose(sum(inputData(j_e,:),1))*(segmentDuration^2); end % construct covariance matrix for the even and odd data C_oo = errorBar_o^2; C_ee = errorBar_e^2; [w2bar, w4bar, woverlap4bar] = windowFactors(window1, window2); sigma2I = ccVars(1:end-1) / (segmentDuration^2); sigma2J = ccVars(2:end) / (segmentDuration^2); sigma2IJ = 0.5*(woverlap4bar/w4bar)*0.5*(sigma2I+sigma2J); C_oe = C_oo*C_ee*sum(sigma2IJ./(sigma2I.*sigma2J)); detC = C_oo*C_ee - C_oe*C_oe; % need similar quantities for the sensitivity integrands if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) dataI = inputData(1:end-1,:) * (segmentDuration^2); dataJ = inputData(2:end,:) * (segmentDuration^2); dataIJ = 0.5*(woverlap4bar/w4bar)*0.5* ... transpose(sum(dataI,1)+sum(dataJ,1)); end % construct optimal weighting factors from the covariance matrix lambda_o = (C_ee - C_oe)/detC; lambda_e = (C_oo - C_oe)/detC; % cc stats -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'stats', length(combineWhat)) ) combinedData = (combinedData_o*lambda_o + combinedData_e*lambda_e) ... / (lambda_o + lambda_e) ; end % cc spectra ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'spectra', length(combineWhat)) ) data = (data_o*lambda_o + data_e*lambda_e) / (lambda_o + lambda_e) ; end % sens ints ------------------------------------------------------------- if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) data = (data_o + data_e - 2*dataIJ)*((C_oo*C_ee)/detC); end % error bar ------------------------------------------------------------- errorBar = sqrt(1/(lambda_o + lambda_e)); end % construct freq series if necessary if ( strncmp(combineWhat, 'spectra', length(combineWhat)) | ... strncmp(combineWhat, 'sensints', length(combineWhat)) ) combinedData = constructFreqSeries(data, flow, deltaF); end return