function lineseek40(f) load /ligo/tmp2/bernard/matlab/results_1000 cpf=fftPad/srate; % gives frequency_channels/Hz dn=300*cpf;fn=f*cpf+1; fi=round(max(fn-dn,1));fo=round(min(fn+dn,numFreq)); if (fo < 0 | fi > numFreq) error(sprintf('frequenies must lie between 0 and %f', srate/2)); end; fr=[fi-1:fo-1]/cpf; subplot(2,1,1) tmp=sqrt(varr(fi:fo)+vari(fi:fo)); % Philip, I suppose the means should be taken % into account here, if I really want sqrt(power)! semilogy(fr,tmp); t=sprintf('Amplitude spectra at %6.2f Hz', f); title(t); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Amplitude before LR'); load /ligo/tmp2/bernard/matlab/results_afterLR subplot(2,1,2) tmp=sqrt(varr(fi:fo)+vari(fi:fo)); semilogy(fr,tmp); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Amplitude after LR');