Chapter 10, Part 1
Small Scale Winds

Scales of Motion
Wirls or eddies exist at all length scales in the atmosphere.

Examples of Wind at Different Scales
Microscale (2m) – small turbulent eddies
Mesoscale (20km) – thunderstorms, tornadoes, land/sea breeze
Synoptic scale (2000km) – hurricanes, weather map features like highs and lows
Global scale (5000 km) – long waves in the westerlies

Speed Skating
Why do speed skaters crouch down and put their hands behind them?

The friction of fluid flow is called viscosity.
Molecular viscosity is due to the random motion of air molecules.
Eddy viscosity is due to turbulent whirling eddies.

Development of Turbulent Flow
As long as the relative speed between the two air layers is small (small shear), there is no turbulence (laminar flow).
As the relative wind speed increases, the boundary deforms and then waves and eddies appear.
This leads to clear air turbulence.

Development of Turbulence
The size of the eddies increases as the wind speed increases and as the atmosphere becomes unstable by, for example, the solar heating of the ground.
Shown: mechanical turbulence and thermal turbulence.

Planetary Boundary Layer
Because of  friction the air near the ground moves slower than the air above.
Friction layer
Planetary boundary layer
With more vertical mixing of the air (e.g. unstable atmosphere) the difference in speed is smaller.

Factors which Increase Turbulence
Surface heating – air rises producing strong thermal turbulence
High wind speeds – produces strong mechanical turbulence
Rough or hilly landscape – produces strong mechanical turbulence

Large and Small Eddies
Eddies form when air encounters an obstacle.
They occur on both large scales (mountains) and small scales (house).

Eddy Formation
Eddies form on an objects leeward side.
Roll eddies or rotors can occur further downwind of the obstacle.

Clear Air Turbulence
Wind layers moving at difference speeds (wind sheer) can lead to clear air turbulence, which is dangerous for flying.

Force of the Wind
Wind exerts force on objects.
This can move small particles like sand and dirt and for stronger winds large objects (e.g. in hurricances).

Wind and Exposed Soil
Wind picks up tiny, loose particles (e.g. sand).
Removal of these particles, leaving only larger gravel and pebbles can lead to “desert pavement.”
Constant sand blasting of rocks causes a flattened and pitted windward surface.
Blowing sand comes to rest behind obstacles and eventually becomes a sand dune.
On a dune’s surface sand rolls and slides producing sand ripples.

Wind and Snow Surfaces
Wind blowing over snow can produce snow dunes and snow ripples.
For a strong enough wind clumps of snow can be rolled along (snow rollers).

Snow Fences
Behind snow fences the wind speed is reduced allowing the snow to settle to the ground.
This keeps a blanket of snow on crops and keeps large drifts away from towns.

Wind and Vegetation
Wind can bend and break branches.
Wind also causes plants to loose water more rapidly.

Shelter Belts
Rows of trees decrease the surface wind speed and hence reduce erosion.

Wind and Waves
Waves forming by wind blowing over a water surface are called wind waves.
They depend on wind speed, the length of time the wind blows, and fetch (distance of deep water over which the wind blows).
Above: microscale winds help waves grow taller.

Wind Direction
Wind direction by characterized by N, E, … or by an angle.
Other common terms are:
Onshore wind
Offshore wind
Upslope wind
Downslope wind.

Prevailing Wind
The wind direction most often observed is called the prevailing wind.
A wind rose represents the percent of the time that wind blew in a given direction.

Measuring Wind Speed and Direction

Viscosity is the friction of air flow.
There are two sources: molecular and eddy.
Turbulence can be created by obstacles (mechanical) or air rising (thermal).
Near the surface the wind moves slower.
The wind strongly influences the surface of the earth (dunes, waves, …).