Chapter 2, Part I
Energy Basics

Types of Energy
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Thermal, e.g., kinetic energy of gas
Radiation, e.g., light, infrared radiation, …
Energy is conserved.

Temperature Scales
Fahrenheit (F)
Celsius (C)
C = (5/9)*(F – 32)
Kelvin (K)
K = C + 273

Heat is energy in the process of being transferred from one object to another because of the temperature difference between the objects.

Specific Heat
Take 1g liquid water
Add 1 calorie heat
Raises temperature 1C
The Specific Heat of pure water is thus = 1Cal/(g C).
Other examples:
Mud 0.6Cal/(g C)
Ice 0.5Cal/(g C)
Dry air 0.24Cal/(gC)

Latent Heat

Heat Transfer


Radiation of the Earth and Sun
All things emit radiation.   Wien’s law:
Sun: lmax = 3000mm K/6000K = 0.5mm
Earth: lmax = 3000mm K/300K = 10mm