Welcome to the error matrix folder

            Linear and non-linear fits usually end with


At the end of the minimization, BJ the first derivative of c2(c) with respect to cJ, is zero.  The non-linear equations are linearized making them equivalent to linear equations in this limit.  The matrix A-1 is closely related to the error matrix which can be used to find the standard deviations in any function of c. 

StdDev.doc htm  

            A test of the standard deviation is detailed in ..\Weights\ArtDat\Sum.doc and

 ..\nlfit\FermiFit\FermiStd.htm – For full details go to ..\nlfit\FermiFit\Welcome.htm

            This last link contains a zip with the wpj, codes and inputs needed to find the standard deviation in a Fermi function after fitting the derivative of the Fermi function to data.