
The final fitting error is shown in

fitting/Welcome.htm and SGLITCH/Welcome.htm#_Changes


The function AIGAU.FOR uses on the order of 50 operations to reach double precision accuracy for all values of x. The test ide is taigau.wpj.




The relationship with Errf(x) is examined in Erf.htm .doc

Figure 1  AiGauss on a linear scale

Figure 2  AiGauss on a log scale

The time domain version

03/09/2006  11:26 AM            80,384 aigausst.htm – Sums of AiGauss can be analytically Fourier transformed .

<DIR>          aigau15 aigau15/Welcome.htm

This is the first attempt to make aigau.  The natural log is accurate to ~15 digits rather than the function itself, and there is a glitch caused by integrating the Gaussian from a set value at approximately z ~ -2.8.  This is shown most dramatically in the first fit to the noise level.

aigau15\Fitting Brack.htm

The result of this early approximation, AIGAU15.FOR, is compared to the current Aigau.for by taigau.wpj – The error for z< -10 is the result of exponentiaing a log ~ -100, 2-3 digits are lost for a real with a 3 digit exponent.

Figure 3  The lower limit errors come from taking the exponentials of logarithms ~500.  The Glitch at 3 is from subtraction and approximation errors involved in integrating the Gaussian from specified points.  See aigau15\Fitting Brack.htm for more details.

Double precision exp limit

The code is texp.for.  It was compiled by

Wfl386 texp



 EXP(Z)   2.2260053186166400D-308

 1+EXP(Z)       1.0000000000000000



 EXP(Z)        0.0000000000000000

 1+EXP(Z)       1.0000000000000000


            Firstly note that values that are too low, z < 27, are simply taken to be zero.  The lower limit values are discussed in

Values from - to -6

            In this range, the integrand after removing exp(-z2) can be expanded and integrated term by term.  The cutoff is a last term of 10-16.  This is discussed in detail along with examples in

 genint\Expanding the integrand.doc

The code bracket in this document is incorporated in AIGAU.FOR as the function brack.

Bestfit between –6 and 0 err=1e-15*value

            These began as the fit

fitting/ExpTimesPade.doc htm

Careful examination showed that at the left edge of the fit, z=-6, there is a spike in the error to about 10-14.  This led to a re-examination of the data to fit as generated in


A bit of manipulation of the end points of the data segments coupled with the use of Gauss Laguerre integration for values of z < -3, enable the fit to be to Brack(z) in the expression

This is shown in

fitting\Welcome.doc htm  -- contains final error plot.

Bestfit between 0 and 6 err = 1e-15

The values above 0 are equal to 1 minus the values below zero.  This means that there is no point in having a relative accuracy of 15 digits in the value subtracted from 1.  The “data” was generated by an FFT of the time domain version of AiGauss as described in


The fit is described in


The set of constants are
















Values from 6 to




 EXP(Z)   2.3195228302435680D-016

 1+EXP(Z)       1.0000000000000000

For values of z2 > 36, AiGauss(z) = 1 to the double precision limit.

Comparison with original log terms

            The log terms compared to were generated by code in gleg.zip.  the file with these results is AIGAUL.IN The comparison code used to generate the plot below is in taigau2.wpj

Figure 4 |exp(aigaul.in)-aigau|/aigau

I believe that the bulk of this error comes from the fact that the exp(log) loses accuracy when the log is larger than 1.



 Directory of public_html\aigau


<DIR>          aigau15 aigau15/Welcome.doc

<DIR>          aiglz   aiglz/Welcome.doc

<DIR>          fitabs  fitabs/MPNlfitAigau.doc

<DIR>          fitting fitting/Welcome.doc

<DIR>          genint  genint\Welcome.doc

<DIR>          SGLITCH SGLITCH/Welcome.doc

               0 File(s)              0 bytes



01/26/2006  01:58p      <DIR>          AiGaussPgen