llsubmit - Submit a Job ___________________________ Purpose _______ Submits a job to LoadLeveler to be dispatched based upon job requirements in the job command file. You can submit both LoadLeveler jobs and NQS jobs. To submit NQS jobs, the job command file must contain the shell script to be submitted to the NQS node. Syntax ______ llsubmit [-?] [-H] [-v] [-q] [cmdfile | - ] _______ Flags _____ -? Provides a short usage message. -H Provides extended help information. -v Outputs the name of the command, release number, service level, service level date, and operating system used to build the command. -q Specifies quiet mode: print no messages other than error messages. cmdfile Is the name of the job command file containing LoadLeveler _______ commands. - Specifies that LoadLeveler commands that would normally be in the job command file are read from stdin. When entry is complete, press "Ctrl-D" to end the input. Related Information ___________________ o Users with uid or gid equal to 0 are not allowed to issue the llsubmit command. o When a LoadLeveler job ends, you may receive UNIX mail notification indicating the job exit status. For example, you could get the following mail message: Your LoadLeveler job myjob1 exited with status 139. The return code 139 is from the user's job, and is not a LoadLeveler return code. o For information on writing a program to filter job scripts when they are submitted, see "Filtering a Job Script" in Chapter 11 of LoadLeveler Using and Administering. Examples ________ In this example, a job command file named qtrlyrun.cmd is submitted: ____________ llsubmit qtrlyrun.cmd Results _______ The following shows the results of the llsubmit qtrlyrun.cmd command issued from the machine earth: llsubmit: The job "earth.505" has been submitted. Note that "505" is the job ID generated by LoadLeveler. Who Can Issue _____________ Users and Administrators