
                This folder is designed to set up watcom, the command window and the watcom ide.  The hello code is introduced in FORTRAN, then in C. 


Watcom is free and available from 
Version 1.3 includes both C and FORTRAN.  The most recent version 1.9 has a separate download for C and for FORTRAN.  Install complete versions of both.  The codes here are mostly FORTRAN, with frequent C and C++ versions.  Openwatcom allows the same IDE to make executables for all three and for relatively easy mixing of the codes.

Command Line

Figure 1  Screen dump of this folder in Windows 10

If you are running windows 10, the command prompt is available by right clicking of the dark blue file.  If you have an older operating system, go to start, at the bottom find all programs, go to accessories and copy command prompt.  Paste it into this folder.   Right click on it and open properties.  Remove the line with %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%, click on apply.  Now when you click on it, it will open in this folder.

Watcom ide

                Installation of Watcom puts \watcom\binnt in the path.  This means that in command mode, the command ide opens a window


Go to file and request a new project.       

Figure 2  The new project window

The up arrow and the selection of location enables the code to reach the hello folder.  Change the name noname.wpj to helloF.wpj


Figure 3  Project options

Accept the defaults.  Click on sources in the version of figure 1 that appears next.  On the add line type in hellof.for and click add, then close.


Figure 1 now has [.for] at the top of what was blank space, followed by hellof.for [n/a].  It is the for that lets the ide know that this is a FORTRAN code.  Do not let the [n/a] bother you.  Click on hellof.for and enter the code.

Figure 4  The hello codein FORTRAN.

The first line says hello, the second keeps the run window open so that we can seetheresult of the first line.  The rather obsolete diskette saves the code.  The hammer brings the ide to the top.  The [n/a] is gone.   The fifth symbol across the top of figure 1, compiles the source code.  The sixth compiles and links all source code.   First click on options, then FORTRAN options.

Figure 5  diagnostic switches

The four switches checked were defaulted to off.   For debugged code, off iscorrect.

Figure 6 debugging changed from full to line number information.

The use of line numberinformation and the previous debug switches slows the codeby more than a factor of 10.  Optimization options are on the next few pages.  Optimize for speed. 

Save these changes, click on the sixth compile and link page to bring up the ide log.

Figure 7  the ide log. 

Read the log carefully.  This is the best place to catch errors.  Click on the running figure.

Figure 8 dos from the ide

Unfortunately, the run time errors do not get to this window.  It just closes.  Go back to command mode.


hellofrom fortran



In this mode, the errors will show up including the line on which they occurred.  The option choices indicate that debugging information has been suppressed.  The suppressed information is not normally needed.


Figure 9  The IDE with a C sourceindicated.

The name.c tells the ide that this is C code.

Figure 10  The C code

Figure 11 the preferred options.

Figure 12  The run window

From the command line


Hello from C


c1 = 3