
                In this lecture, mid-point trap rule will be shown to be the "best" rule for periodic functions.  The actual error for this rule is derived in the section #Trap rule error in periodic functions.  This is actually a bit of a simplification of the integration method discussed in BLI_integration.htm. 


Mid point trap rule -- The simplest numerical integration method

                The integral from beg to end can be written as

Expand the function about the values xi

So that

 In each of the N integrals let t=x-xi

When integrated from -h/2 to h/2, all of the odd terms integrate to zero and the rest are only a little harder so that by expanding about the mid point of each region an integral in general can be written as
Text Box: The code accurate to order h2 for mid point trap rule is
h=(end-beg)/N  this lower case combination of 
ai=0       Fortran,basic, and C is not a new 
for I=1 to N   language BOB but merely my 
   x=i x h - h/2     attempt to indicate code that 
   ai=ai+fun(x)    you may implement  in any 
enddo  language
ai=ai x h

Note that the end points are never evaluated.  Simplifying a bit

The first term is the mid-point trapezoidal rule estimate of the integral. 


Write this estimate for the integral of f''

Then notice that the integral on the left is easy to evaluate

Solve for the sum on f''

 Then substitute into the equation for the original integral to find


And indeed the last term can be treated in the same way to yield

Extrapolate to zero in h2.  In an easy version of this note that the integral is quadratic in h.  We plot the value of the trap rule integral estimate versus h2.

 For small enough values of h2, the integral estimate is linear as a function of h2 so that the values recorded from the simple trap rule sum as Int1, Int2 and Int3 can be written as

 Where A is the value of the integral and B is a slope that we don’t even care about.

Richardson extrapolation. is simply solving the two equations.  Multiply the first by h22 and the second by h12  and subtract to find

In particular if h1 = 2h2 , this becomes which looks surprisingly like Simpson’s rule.  We however have computers and can evaluate this for  (h3,h1), (h2,h1) and (h3,h2).  The average is a good estimate of the value, while the sum of the squares of the differences is a fair estimate of the error.


The integration techniques here are discussed in Press in Chapter 4, section 4.3 in particular uses POLINT, which is very similar to our uneven Lagrange method for extrapolating.  Section 4.4 is similar to our mid-point methods.  Press relies a bit too heavily on a single difference to estimate the errors in my opinion and his stopping when satisfied is to my mind always suspect.  Press also goes to too high an order in this code.  Ease of implementation does not justify high orders.  Error estimates tend to oscillate.  Also, see section on periodic functions below. for/mptrap.for

Text Box: h=(end-beg)/N
for I=1 to N-1
   x=beg+i x h
ai=ai ´ h		

End point trap rule  See also BLI_integration.htm

                The use of the end points complicates the evaluation in two ways.  First the end values need to be divided by 2, secondly they need to be calculated and this may involve analytically expanding functions such as (1-cos(x))/x2.  There is an advantage; placing an equal number of points in the center of each region can halve the spacing h.  With mid-point trap rule it is necessary to place twice as many points in a more complex scheme in order to take advantage of the first set of points to cut the size by a factor of 3.

                The code accurate to order h2 for end point trap rule is in the box to the left[2].

Periodic Functions  

A periodic function is of the form

                    If the function is integrated from 0 to T, the first error estimate in is .  So is the second error estimate  .   As are all higher order estimates.

Trap rule error in periodic functions

                A periodic function can always be expanded as    Note that cj is complex and that

Since the first exponential is always 1.  The integral from 0 to T of f is

That is the actual value of the integral is given by the c0 term alone.  All other terms in the expansion integrate to zero. 

Let  so that the mid point trap rule approximation to this integral is

note interchange of summation orders.   Let , so that

  The last term can be written as a sum of zk and we can use the familiar relation for z¹1


So that  

Note that  so that the the numerator in is always zero.  The denominator is also zero for j=mN for which .  In this case the last sum in is N so that

                Note that the terms that enter are not uniform.  If for some accidental reason c10 = 0, 10 point integration will seem exact up to c20.  Changing N from 10 to 20 will give a false accuracy reading.  The correct change is from 10 to 11 or 13, Do not simply double the points.  --- Press pay attention.


            Evaluate  Using various integration points ranging from N=m/2 to N=4m.  Plot the integration error as a function of 1/N2.  If the method “breaks” plot the details where it breaks. 

[1] Beware of the ½, in Fortran this must be written either as 1d0/2 or as 0.5d0.  If it is written as ½ integer arithmetic truncates it to zero.  If it is written as 0.5, it is only accurate to 7 digits as it is a real number.


[2] A very common error in end point trap rule is an incorrect evalutation of the point at either x0 or xN.  When this happens the integral has an error equal to (f(x0)-factual­(x0))*h.  This is determined by plotting ai as a function of h, rather than h2.  A straight line for three values does not mean that this is a reasonable extrapolation.  It means that there is an error in a single function value.