15th Florida Workshop: The Onset of Nonlinearity

15th Florida Workshop in Nonlinear Astronomy and Physics

The Onset of Nonlinearity

17 – 19 February 2000

The purpose of this interdisciplinary workshop is to bring together theorists and experimentalists from physics, astronomy, and fluid dynamics who are linked by a common quest to better understand the onset of nonlinearity in astrophysical and other settings. Because of the diversity of the audience, we aim to keep the talks at a general and review level, and leave the more technical points for the many scheduled coffee breaks. The focus this year will be on the Onset of Nonlinearity, when linear perturbation theory becomes inadequate and fluctuation distributions develop non-Gaussian tails, in large-scale cosmological structure and elsewhere. Talks will address the underlying theory and methods of analytic and statistical analysis.

The Workshop will be held in Room 2205 of the New Physics Building at the University of Florida. It is open to all interested parties. There is no registration fee.

The workshop starts Thursday morning at 9 am and ends Saturday 5 pm.

Workshop Proceedings

The Onset of Nonlinearity in Cosmology, ed. J. N. Fry, J. R. Buchler, H. Kandrup
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 927)

As for the previous workshops, the proceedings of this workshop will be published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. The publisher does not provide a specific style; but here is an approximation to a NYAS LaTeX style file nyas.sty\documentstyle[11pt,nyas]{article}  ). For a sample document, see astro-ph/9909022.

Some requests from the publisher:

Please send the signed Copyright Transfer Agreement and two paper copies to Cynthia DeForest, Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611-8440. Please send TeX source and PostScript figures electronically to fry@phys.ufl.edu, if the file is reasonably small, or leave at ftp.phys.ufl.edu, incoming/nonlinear (and send a message to let me know that the files are there). At the moment, we ask you to try to send contrbutions by June 15.

Brief Guide to Publication in the Annals of the NYAS (html)
Copyright Transfer Agreement (html)
Reference Format (html)

List of Speakers
Schedule of Talks

Organizers: James N. Fry fry@phys.ufl.edu , J. Robert Buchler buchler@phys.ufl.edu , Henry Kandrup kandrup@astro.ufl.edu