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Some links to topics discussed in class: (Thanks to J.N. Fry for some of these links)

Physical Constants from the Particle Data Group
Prelim Exam Problems
Leonhard Euler, Swiss 10-Franc bill
Brachistochrone: [d/h](?), t(d/h), log scale, trajectories, animation
Catenary: a necklace, another necklace, Golden Gate, mathcurve, St Louis Arch, Parabola vs Catenary
Emmy Noether, Invariant Variation Problems (Noether's [1918] Theorem) thank you emmy noether,
Conics (e = 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 5/3, 2)
Tycho Brahe's Observatory at Uraniborg (Island of Hven)
Eccentric Anomaly
Stellar Orbits Around the Galactic Center Black Hole [video]
Why Orbits are Ellipses (Feynman's Lost Lecture)
Jupiter ring: Voyager 2, Galileo
Spherical Coordinates
L1, L2, L3 (μ = 0.1), WMAP and Lagrange Points, Lagrange Point Stability, Horseshoe orbits, Kordylewski Cloud, Kazimierz Kordylewski
Neural Network approach to 3-body problem. "Newton vs the machine: Solving the chaotic three-body problem using deep neural networks". arXiv:1910.07291. doi:10.1093/mnras/staa713
Latka-Volterra equations
What happens as the Moon Falls into the Earth (e.g. due to tidal friction, somewhat sped up) Warning: not good things.
Battle of the Falkland Islands ("At 1247 at 16,500 yards the battlecruisers opened fire, with little accuracy, taking half an hour to straddle the rear ship, Leipzig.")
   Admiral Sturdee's Despatch, The Dreadnought Project (with comment on the Coriolis effect)
Foucault Pendulum at FNAL, (Paris) Pantheon
Compton generator demo
Compton generator explanation
List of moments of inertia
Tennis racket theorem
Physics Girl, Rodney Mullen and the Intermediate Axis (Tennis Racket) Theorem
Euler angle rotations
International Earth Rotation and Reference System (Observatoire de Paris)
"How come the Chandler wobble hasn't dampened out?" (The Straight Dope)
Veff for symmetric top, [zoom]
Nyquist frequency

Other links

AIP Physics/Astro Grad School Shopper




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