About "ising"--Ising model and ferromagnetism

"ising" simulates the Ising model in two dimensions. The spin orientations of a 30x30 array of Ising spins are displayed as the system evolves in time after specification of an applied field and temperature. The magnetization vs. evolution time of the system is displayed graphically, and several time average parameters (magnetization, energy, and their mean square fluctuations) are available in numerical form for quantitative analysis. The power spectrum and autocorrelation function of the magnetization may also be displayed.

"ising" was programmed by Russ Thompson based on an early version by Jim Sethna.

About the SSS Project.

Table of Contents for Chapter 13 of Simulations for Solid State Physics

  1. Introduction
  2. Ising simulation
  3. High temperature susceptibility
    1. Paramagnetic response
    2. Curie-Weiss law
    3. Fluctuation-response theorem**
  4. Ferromagnetic state
  5. Coarsening and nucleation
    1. Coarsening
    2. Nucleation
  6. Critical fluctuations*
  7. Correlation lengths*
  8. Thermodynamic limit*
  9. Summary
  10. Appendix: "ising"--the program