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Swing Dance Florida
by Jacob Tosado

Have you been spending too much time at a computer screen? Do you have any pent up energy you simply need to let loose? If you do, then would you like to dance? Swing dance to be more specific. The music fires up while the campus locals come to dance the floor every Wednesday and Friday night starting up at eight o'clock. This event seems to lure everyone from the dancing novice to the dancing expert creating a nicely jazzed up crowd of thirty to forty souls.

You have to ask, what goes on at a place like this? Simply put, proliferation of a good time. Those who happen to attend begin to rock out to a free class tailored specifically for them. For a full hour, Gainesville's dance experts throw around so much rhythm and skill that you can't leave the class without being compelled to snap your fingers to some kind of beat.

The general environment is hot. With no exaggeration one of the coldest days this year received a turnout of around fifty people plus or minus a few. They stood out in the freezing Florida weather with coats and jackets on just to participate in this unique American dance. By half past nine coats were off and people were flying!

Swing dance originated in this country towards the end of the 1800's in a style called the Charleston. During the pre and post WWII eras, this form of dancing exploded into many styles representing the many cultures within the U.S. Swing progressed to the sixties. Perhaps it was the day the music died or the uprising of the Vietnam War, but from then till now swing dance has been lying a little low.

However, here at the University of Florida the dancing tradition has gone on and kept strong. These events, which happen Wednesdays at the Reitz Union and Fridays at he Unified Training Center are sponsored by the UF Swing Dance Club. Their mission is to have a good time while keeping swing dancing alive.

Now of course not every one will find this attractive. The dance itself tends to be reminiscent of times long ago; times more wholesome than now and in effect those people who are drawn to these ideals are the ones who frequent these events. Nevertheless you'll find people from all around the world and from every different background at any given night, eager to see what it's all about.

Come, stop by. You are guaranteed to have a good time and if you're just not feeling it, at least you can hang out in an easy environment where you can get to know people. See you there!

Check out the Florida Swing Club.