UP News
James Stankowicz
Assistant Editor:
Steven Hochman
Layout Director:
George CB Ling
Online Editor:
Steven Hochman
Staff Writers:
Victor Albert
Brady Nash
Eric Swanson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Amlan Biswas

by UP News Staff

Once a month every year, professors pass this newsletter out to their students. This is the very first issue of UPNews (the Undergraduate Physics Newsletter), and if you've never seen one before, you might read the articles then forget about its existence. However, we slowly creep back into the classroom: another one will show up again next month. "Hey, how about that? Another one of these... what's going on?" Again, you may dismiss the newsletter.

We here at UPNews don't know about you, but one our favorite parts of our undergraduate classes was getting to slack off in class while we read these cool, distracting newsletters! While we don't condone *not* paying attention, we waive our reprimands if the subject material is of no relevance. Besides, when are you actually going to need to find the induced current between two infinitely large planes of charge Q separated by a dielectric medium of conductivity sigma? Now if *that's* not something you use every day, we don't know what is.

The point is: after a while of having fun while reading these newsletters, you may want to join us. After all, that's how most of us got into this cult... er, organization. If you have any interest in physics and either writing, editing, producing, or graphic art-ing-ing, send us an e-mail at upnews@phys.ufl.edu. Freshmen highly encouraged!

Speaking of which, we've again compiled our list of "The Freshman 5 - Top Tips for Surviving Physics Classes". They're the top 5 tips for making sure you get off to a good start this year:

5. Don't be a magnetic field. Ask questions often and be prepared to DO WORK.

4. Develop He-man like biceps and pectoral muscles. These will come in handy when you try to open the 2-ton steel barricades they call ‘doors' at the main entrance.

3. The shrubbery area right outside the entrance to the building (near the blue ‘Physics Building' sign) smells really, really bad. All year long. No, it does not go away.

2. Practice playing Frogger. You'll need it while you illegally jay-walk across Museum Road and onto the physics building sidewalk.

1. You are going to miss approximately 40% of your 8:30 physics classes.

In the end, remember: as any student of General Relativity knows, taking physics classes is the mathematical equivalent of physics classes taking *you*. But it's still possible to be a physics major and live an ortho-normal life. To counter the stress and the strain of your classes, learn to integrate with the flow, or just curl up with a good B-field. If some of this doesnít make sense now, it surely will soon. And if you get it but don't find it funny, we'll try harder next time. Remember to keep up with your work and occasionally visit the Physics Lounge. Located in NPB 2229. There you'll surely find another lost physics student doing his/her homework. At least you can be lost together!

Welcome to UF physics!