UP News
James Stankowicz
Assistant Editor:
Steven Hochman
Layout Director:
George CB Ling
Online Editor:
Steven Hochman
Staff Writers:
Victor Albert
Brady Nash
Eric Swanson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Amlan Biswas

Advisor Advice
by Stephanie Lewkowitz

Amlan Biswas

A lazy physicist from Bangalore

Found free-body diagrams to be a bore

Then one day he felt joy unbound

When in mechanics 2 he found

that minimizing action

wasn't such a chore

Katia Macheva

The first extrasolar system planet was discovered in 1995.

For the last twelve years more than 250 new planets have been observed orbiting around distant stars. This is more than 20 completely new and unique worlds each year! Can you imagine all the discoveries that await you?

Selman Hershfield

We have previously taught in intro physics that airplanes are able to achieve flight because of Bernoulli's Principle. Imagine a plane's wing as a flattened, overturned bowl. Air rushes faster over the curved top (i.e. with higher velocity). In order for the formula to hold, the pressure on the top of the wing must be less than the pressure on the bottom. However, this explanation of flight must be incorrect, because the geometry flips when planes fly upside-down! You are all more than welcome to see me for advising and to discuss the flight problem.