UP News
James Stankowicz
Assistant Editor:
Steven Hochman
Layout Director:
George CB Ling
Online Editor:
Steven Hochman
Staff Writers:
Victor Albert
Brady Nash
Eric Swanson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Amlan Biswas

A Collection of Course Recommendations
by James Stankowics

Of course as a physicist in training, you have no time for such trivialities as checking ‘ratemyprofessor.com' to see what others have to say about the professors you have this semester. So, being the nice folks we are, we've gone and compiled a review of (almost) all professors and upper level classes in the physics department this semester. These comments come directly from the mouths (or e-mail equivalents) of your fellow students. Their names were changed to protect their identities, and the quotes were in some cases altered for content.

PHY 4550
Cryogenics Prof. Ihas Learn about UF's secret underground tunnels…for helium. - Pilonse It's the only class in the department where field trips are offered. - Tae

PHY 3323
Electromagnetism 1 Prof. Hagen "If you can pass EM1, you will get a Physics degree at U.F." – Rumored to be a quote from Prof. Cheng Really learn the meaning of ‘script-r'! – Various students

PHY 3513
Thermal Physics Prof. Biswas Turns out partial derivatives are good for a lot of things. In this class, you'll learn about most of those things. – Taled Biswas is good. - Aetz

PHY 3063
Gen Physics 4 Honors Prof. Meisel This course under another professor was half special relativity, and half quantum mechanics. If you didn't know linear algebra, you learned it along the way. – Taled

PHY 4422
Optics Prof. Mueller Don't be afraid to go to office hours! There're people joining the class come from diverse backgrounds, and some may already know the material. If you fall behind, get clarification! The professor knows so much about the subject that he sometimes forgets to clarify simple concepts. – Student Magam

PHY 3101
Introduction To Modern Physics Prof. Detweiler Run Away! – Lapha Detweiler teaches like a graduate course. You will learn the material well, but expect to do a lot of work. – Etba

PHY 4523
Statistical Physics Prof. Hill Take any class you can with Prof. Hill. He's an excellent professor, one of the best. – Lapha Prof. Hill is always prepared, knows what he's talking about, and admits when he does not. – Magam.