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Physics Phacts
compiled by Harold Rodriguez

It"s amazing how much information google can bring to your fingertips. Here are just a few interesting things I found!

The maximum speed that raindrops can fall at is around 18mph, depending on their size.

Every rainbow is unique - each rainbow is formed from light hitting your eye at a very precise angle. Someone standing next to you will see light coming from a slightly different angle than you, and will therefore see a different rainbow.

A TV screen shows 24 pictures a second. Because a fly sees 200 images a second, it would see TV as still pictures with darkness in between.

Think about astronauts in space, and how they burp. Because you are weightless in space, the contents of your stomach float and tend to stay at the top of your stomach, under the rib cage and close to the valve at the top of your stomach. Because this valve isn"t a complete closure (just a muscle that works with gravity), if you burp, it becomes a wet burp from the contents in your stomach. Gross!

When a flea jumps, the rate of acceleration is 20 times that of the space shuttle during launch.

The planet Venus"s day is longer than its year. It takes 225 ‘Earth" days to rotate around the Sun (a Venusian year) and 243 ‘Earth" days to rotate on its axis (a Venusian day).