UP News
James Stankowicz
Assistant Editor:
Steven Hochman
Layout Director:
George CB Ling
Online Editor:
Steven Hochman
Staff Writers:
Victor Albert
Brady Nash
Eric Swanson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Amlan Biswas

The New Faces of SPS
by James Stankowicz

The University Of Florida Society Of Physics Students had its officer elections for the 2008-2009 school year on Thursday, March 29. Without further adieu, we introduce the 2008-2009 officers:

President - Art Ianuzzi He's grilled your burgers for the last two years at the annual SPS picnic, and he was the driving force in the SPS lounge's recent acquisition of brand new, brand name appliances. The future of SPS is in capable hands, as last year's treasurer picks up the reigns.

Vice President - Cameron Thacker You may recognize him as a baker of cookies at the bi-weekly SPS cookie and coffee sale, but this second year physicist-in-the-making also wrote those brilliant, thought provoking SPS event reminder e-mails all of this year as the SPS secretary, and kept minutes at every meeting.

Treasurer - James Stankowicz As someone who understands that free things are much more delicious, be on the look out for a wider selection of free, delectable goodies at SPS meetings in the future, when purchasing power falls into the hands of this second year physics major.

Secretary - Alicia Swift She's a third year nuclear engineer major, with Spanish and physics minors, who likes the fantastic combination of physics, photography, and cookies. This UPNews writer and editor promises to bring hitherto unforeseen organization to SPS meetings. Also, she may or may not tame lions professionally.

Historian - George CB Ling This first year physics student has historian potential not seen since the Golden Years of the UF SPS. He has already made strides in restoring the age old battle between good and evil that was once called the Chemistry versus Physics paintball fight.

Propagandist - Daniel Bannoura He's a third year physics major with his first SPS officer position. In tandem with the other new propagandist, he is breaking SPS into the digital age, utilizing such things as the ‘internet' and ‘Facebook' to promote and expand SPS.

Propagandist - Chris Mueller He's a third year physics and math major with aspirations to study condensed matter theory in graduate school. Like many physics majors, he spends more time in NPB than at H-O-M-E, so count on being well informed as he takes over the publicity aspects of SPS.

Webmaster - Steven Hochman He's wise beyond his four years as a physics, math and electrical engineering student. If you need to know how to navigate UF's listserves, he's your man. Expect great things of the SPS website in the future, as this UPNews writer marks his territory over the internet.

Don't forget to join the SPS List-serve (see the SPS website at http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~sps for more info), and the UF SPS Facebook group (simply search for UF SPS on Facebook to locate it).