UP News
James Stankowicz
Assistant Editor:
Steven Hochman
Layout Director:
George CB Ling
Online Editor:
Steven Hochman
Staff Writers:
Victor Albert
Brady Nash
Eric Swanson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Amlan Biswas

Senior's Parting Words
by Harold Rodriguez

I think the best part of the physics program at the University of Florida is that after you finish it, you never want to do physics again. It's a true test of staying power. If you end up wanting to go to graduate school for physics after the undergrad version, you should probably go. Many students drop out after their freshman year (those are the smart ones). The prideful ones keep going until it's too late to turn back. Hence, seriously consider getting a Bachelor of Arts in Physics instead of the Bachelor of Science, and double up with something else like math. The B.A. is arguably 10 times easier (you don't have to take much of the upper level courses which take up a lot of time) and the degree is virtually the same in the outside world. Furthermore, getting a math minor is a cinch if you're a Physics major (it's only like one or two more classes). Speaking of math classes, take Computational Linear Algebra (not proof-based Linear Algebra), Differential Equations, and Fourier Transforms before you take Mechanics, Optics, or Electromagnetism. Even if you don't need them to graduate, the later physics classes make so much more sense.