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Interestingly Stupid Movie Physics
by Alicia Swift

Have you ever left a movie theater, shaking your head because the screenwriter never took a Physics class in college? Apparently, a group of physicists became so angry they formed a website entitled: "Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics", located at www.intuitor.com/moviephysics. Their mission statement says it all: "In the name of physics decency, to protect the minds of children everywhere, so that they may grow up in a world where they know the difference between speed and velocity, we have taken the responsibility to rate movies for their portrayal of excessively bad physics". These ratings range from GP ("Good physics in general") and PGP ("Pretty good physics (just enough flaws to be fun)") to RP ("Retch") and NR ("Obviously physics from an unknown universe").

One of the best (read: funniest) reviews was of Jumper, which was given the rating of Retch. An excerpt asks, "Do jumpers jump out of their clothes when they teleport? Well, no, not unless they're having a romantic moment. In fact, jumpers can apparently create an aurora around themselves allowing them to jump with their surfboard, lawn chair, car, or whatever. How they do this is amazing. On trips we can't remember to pack our socks. Imagine what it would be like to be a jumper and arrive at your destination naked due to a moment of distraction."

Additionally, they give an analysis of common mistakes, such as flashing bullets, exploding cars, lasers (see image), cigarettes, and breaking glass, "to avoid repetition" which includes formulae and dry humor. With a wide range of reviews, which include Independence Day (RP), The Terminator (PGP), and 10,000 B.C. (RP), you will find plenty of ways to procrastinate on that problem set.