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Electromagnetism I    Spring 2020

CLASS TIME & PLACE: M,W, & F  Period 4 (10:40– 11:30 AM) in NPB #1002

Instructor: Dominique Laroche

Office: NPB #2261

Email: dlaroc10@ufl.edu

Office Hours:
(tentative) Tu, 7th and 8th period (1:55pm to 3:50 pm). I will also be available Friday after class by "appointment" (i.e. ask me at the end of class).  But if you see me in my office at any other time, feel free to ask if I'm available. 

TEXTBOOK: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th Ed (Cambridge University Press)

PREQUISITES: PHY 2049 or 2061 and MAP 2302 or equivalent

This is the first course of Electrodynamics.  This course covers the time-independent part of electrodynamics: electrostatics and magnetistatics up to Ch. 6 of the text.  The main concepts have already been discussed in PHY 2049 or 2061. In this course we will revisit the concepts using more elegant and powerful mathematical tools and expand the application with more realistic situations.     

It is expected that students are comfortable with calculus I and II: vector calculus,  differentiation, integration, and trigonometry. Students should also be able to solve ordinary differential equations and be gaining knowledge on geometry of space, multivariable calculus, partial derivatives, line and surface integral.  It is also expected that students read textbook chapters thoroughly at least once preferably before the class and review lecture notes timely.  Students should work on HW problems diligently.  On average 5 - 8 hours per week of full attention on this course (outside pf the classes) would be required. 

CANVAS: All the material and announcements for this course will be posted on the course's Canvas website.  This includes the syllabus, a course calendar, and HW's.  You can log directly into this course at http://ufl.instructure.com/courses/.

STUDENTS with DISABILITIES: Students who require accommodation for disabilities must first contact the Dean of Students Office. That office will provide documentation, which the student must bring to his/her instructors as soon as possible. Contact the Disability Resources Center for information about available resources for students with disabilities.

COUNSELING and MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES: Student facing difficulties completing the course or in need of counseling should call the on-campus Counseling and Wellness Center at (352) 392 1575.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Each student is expected to hold himself/herself to a high standard of academic honesty. Under the UF academic honesty policy, unauthorized assistance or the use of unauthorized resources is strictly forbidden on work-for-credit. Although discussions among the students are highly encouraged, you are to work alone on all homework assignments unless specified differently. Fabrication or falsification of excuses or related documentation is also a violation of the UF academic honesty policy.  Violations of this policy will be dealt with severelhttps://disability.ufl.edu/y. There will be no warnings or exceptions.

ONLINE COURSE EVALUATION: Students are expected to participate in course/instructor evaluations.  These evaluations are conducted online typically during the last 3 weeks of the semester.  Summary results of these assessments are available.