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Introduction to Solid State Physics - Spring 2013

CLASS TIME & PLACE: M,W, F 4th Period (10:40– 11:30 am) in NPB #1216

Instructor: Yoonseok Lee

Office: 2233 NPB

Email: yoonslee@phys.ufl.edu

Office Hours:
M,W 7th Period or by appointment.

TEXTBOOK: Introduction to Solid State Physics (8th Ed.) by Charles Kittel


Elementary Solid State Physics by M. Ali Omar.

Solid State Physics by N.W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin.

This course is designed for seniors or beginning graduate students in physics and physics related sciences and engineering. This course will treat subjects developed mostly in 20th century in the fields of solid state/condensed matter physics at an introductory level. In this course a few selected topics developed in recent years will also be introduced.

Prerequisites: PHY3323, 3513, 4604, 4802L. Encouraged to take PHY4523 and 4803L at least simultaneously.

Homework     Homework problems will be assigned on a regular base. Students are expected to work on the problems and submit their work indivisually. Discussion with your colleagues are encouraged but should not be used as a shortcut. Make your solutions neat, concise, and intelligible.
Homeworks submitted late will not be graded.

Oral Exam      No written exams will be given. There will be one oral exam (about an hour) near the end of the semester (see the class schedule). Each student will be asked several questions to be answered verbally and/or on the blackboard The questions are mainly on the contents in HW problems and the student's term paper.

Term Paper   Students will choose one topic out of the suggested topics (on experimental techniques used in modern condensed matter research) in consultation with the instructor and write a comprehensive research paper. All papers should be submitted electronically in PDF and will be checked by Turnitin. Students are encouraged to use LaTeX to generate .pdf but MS Word is also acceptable. The topics and detailed structure of the paper will be announced later. Term paper will be graded by the letter grade system: A (30%, full score), B (20%), C (10%), and E (0%).

CMP Seminar/Coll.    Students will get credit for attending Condensed Matter Seminars (Mondays 4 pm) and/or Condensed Matter Physics related Colloquia (Thursdays 4 pm). Each student submits 300 word summary of the talk with his/her own questions on the subject (or his/her questions asked during the seminar or colloquium). Three reports will receive 10% of the total grade.

Composition of Grade
Homework 30%
Oral Exam
CMP Seminar/Coll.

Projected Grading Scale*
Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ E
G. Pt. 4.0 3.67 3.33 3.0 2.67 2.33 2.0 1.67 1.33 0
Score 85+ 80+ 70+ 65+ 60+ 55+ 50+ 45+ 40+  

C is the lowest passing grade for Physics majors.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who require accommodation for disabilities must first contact the Dean of Students Office. That office will provide documentation, which the student must bring to his/her instructors during the first week of the semester.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Each student is expected to hold himself/herself to a high standard of academic honesty. Under the UF academic honesty policy, unauthorized assistance or the use of unauthorized resources is strictly forbidden on work-for-credit. Although discussions among the students are highly encouraged, you are to work alone on all homework assignments unless specified differently. Fabrication or falsification of excuses or related documentation is also a violation of the UF academic honesty policy.  Violations of this policy will be dealt with severely. There will be no warnings or exceptions.