UP News
James Stankowicz
Assistant Editor:
Steven Hochman
Layout Director:
George CB Ling
Online Editor:
Steven Hochman
Staff Writers:
Victor Albert
Brady Nash
Eric Swanson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Amlan Biswas

Where are they now?
by Erica A. Bolin

College is transitional. We come for a few years (four for some...others go the senior +5 route) then move on. But it痴 still good to know that we met people and are remembered. We tracked down three graduates from last fall to see how they were doing in their physics travels. Among them is Amruta Deshpande, UPNews founding member and former Editor-in-Chief. Read on as our great expatriates give a blip of insight on their lives post-undergrad.

Amruta Deshpande

I知 at Rutgers in the PhD program in the Physics and Astronomy Department. I知 getting my butt kicked by first year courses (review your calculus II real well and that値l help a great deal for all you graduating seniors). I知 just taking Electromagnetism 1, Quantum Mechanics 1 and Classical Mechanics, which are standard first year courses, and attending all kinds of seminars, but mostly in astrophysics. I知 learning about a lot of exciting developments in Astrophysics. I知 also slowly, steadily exploring bits of the American North East (which is exciting !!)

Mandi Hughes

Right now, I知 in rural Cambodia volunteering with an NGO called Sustainable Cambodia. I知 working mostly with the education sector, teaching preschool, English, computers, math, and even a little physics. I値l be here for a few more months, then spending some time working with a similar organization in Africa, and then going to graduate school for education. Or something else :)

Lindsey Gray

I知 at The University of Wisconsin in a TA position. I am with the CMS group and I知 currently working on calibrating the regional calorimeter trigger output. Oh, and Wisconsin beer is awesome.