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Physics Book Club
by UPNews Staff

The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, written by Dick Teresi and Nobel-prize winner Leon Lederman (who helped develop the technique to find the pion), is a great read that requires a little patience due to its length. Even though written for the layman, it is nonetheless a very interesting book. It begins with the history of science, from Democritus to Galileo to Newton to Maxwell to Rutherford, and eventually sets the stage for the introduction of quantum mechanics in the 20th century. The last quarter of the book is dedicated to the search for the Higgs Boson, termed the “God Particle”, as both are terribly elusive and unproven. I found this book fascinating; to see the progression of science from the Greeks to modern day was fabulous because we often hear of scientists, but are never told much about them. If you are interested in a book with quite a few physics stories, and which is informative but not too much of a mental strain, you will enjoy reading The God Particle.