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Free Software Guide
by Amruta J. Deshpande

A Quick Guide to Good Software at Little or No Cost

If you're not among the thousands who know lots about computers already, this article is for you. I've got some basic information on downloads and software that is free and good for your system. Most of my information I got from the physics computer help page and the CIRCA page. The IFAS site provides a free software page that lists free software available from various internet sites.

Some useful downloads include Firefox web-browser from Mozilla, AD-Aware spyware removal software and McAfee V8 Anti-Virus software. The first 2 are available from the IFAS or the physics computer site, while for the anti-virus software, the physics computing site suggests you contact them at room NPB 2121.

The IFAS Free link makes available word processors like OpenOffice which works like or better than Microsoft Word in some cases however it does not readily convert documents to the commonly used .doc format.

You will also learn that UF makes certain software available to students, staff, faculty etc. at a nominal price. This includes security software, operating systems as well as word processing software. You must contact the Technology HUB (located at the welcome center) at (352) 392-0306 and ask for information regarding the purchase of the UF software CD. Visit http://www.circa.ufl.edu/cd-rom/ for information on the specific software available on the CD.

Get set up using some freeware that will protect your computer and make your computer usage more pleasant.