g PHY2049 Grading Policy

PHY 2049 - Physics 2 with Calculus - Fall 2013

Grading Policy

Final Score Determination

Your final score (100 points max) is the sum of the following:

  Source Points How calculated
  Exam 1
  (20/20)*(exam score out of 20)
  Exam 2
  (20/20)*(exam score out of 20)
  Exam 3
  (20/20)*(exam score out of 20)

However, extra credit is possible by answering H-ITT class participation questions (5 points maximum)

Homework grade

There are homework assignments due most Mondays at 10PM (see schedule) on the Wiley Plus homework system. For most problems you get 5 tries to get the problem correct. Each student gets a unique set of numbers on his/her problems. There are no extensions on the homwork; however, at the end of the semester the homework score is divided by 0.9 to account for missed problem sets, technical difficulties, etc. (You can not recieve more that 100% on your homework score.) You are strongly encouraged to start entering your homework answers well ahead of the deadline. If you have an unforeseen technical difficulty like a down internet connection or computer virus causes you to miss the deadline, you will receive zero for that assignment. If you start early enough, any technical problem can be overcome.

Quiz grade

The quiz in your discussion section will be related but not identical to a homework problem from the most recently due homework set from WileyPlus. The particular problem given in each discussion section is chosen at random so sometimes it will be an easier problem and sometimes a harder problem. Each section will get a different problem. The topics covered on each quiz are listed below.

QuizHomework Covered on Quiz
Quiz 1HW1
Quiz 2HW2
Quiz 3HW3
Quiz 4HW4
Quiz 5HW5
Quiz 6HW6
Quiz 7HW7
Quiz 8HW8
Quiz 9HW9
Quiz 10HW10
Quiz 11HW11
no quizHW12

You will be permitted no more than 2 documented (e.g. medical note) absences from the discussion sections, with make-ups for missed quizzes to take place at the first opportunity determined by your TA. The documentation must be provided to your TA within 2 weeks of the missed quiz or a rational reason that it will be delayed must be e-mailed along with the projected receipt date of the documentation to both your TA and to the instructors within those 2 weeks. All quizzes must be made up prior to the last day of classes (Apr.24).

To provide a measure of forgiveness for illnesses and other challenges that life throws at you, your quiz score will be divided by 0.9 at the end of the semester. (You can not receive more than 100%).

Exam grade

There are a total of three exams, two during term exams and a third exam given at the end of the semester. (This third exam is not a cumulative final exam ). The dates and chapter coverage are given on the schedule page. All during term exams are evening exams. Exam questions will be taken from a number of sources, including, but not limited to, the textbook, lectures and assigned problems. Exam format is multiple choice using ScanTron sheets. The answer which you bubble in on the ScanTron is the one we grade. If you make an error bubbling in an answer and miss a question, then you do not receive credit for the question. On the other hand, if you guess a question and get it correct even though you did not know how to do the problem, then you get credit for the problem. Each exam has 20 questions and is worth 20 points.

What material you are allowed to bring to the exam is described here.

Unless superseded by a valid excuse a missed exam will result in a zero. Valid excuses are officially sanctioned UF events, medical excuses or family emergencies. Acceptable excuses will require a coach's, doctor's or instructor sanctioned note with a verifiable contact phone number. The documentation must be provided to your instructor within 2 weeks of the missed exam or a rational reason that it will be delayed must be e-mailed along with the projected receipt date of the documentation within those 2 weeks. A valid excuse will allow you to take the cumulative make-up exam to replace the zero on the missed exam. There will be one cumulative make-up exam (covering material from both during-term exams) given at the end of the semester (date and time t.b.d.) at a mutually agreeable time.

Students who need special accomodations due to a disability must receive a letter from the Disability Resource Center and present it to one of the instructors at least four days prior to the exam.

H-ITT grade

Participation in answering questions during lectures is optional using the H-ITT response system, but can earn up to a maximum of 5 extra credit points on your grade if you achieve 100% of the maximum possible H-ITT score. Normally a remote "clicker" device is used to register your answers, although there is now a web-based "SoftClick" system so that you can use any web-enabled smart device. For each posed H-ITT question in class, you will receive 2 points for a correct answer and one point for just responding. When you respond to a question, your remote identification number will appear on the screen to show you that your remote is working. At the end of the semester we will divide your total score by 0.9 to allow for any absences, broken remotes, late answers, etc. The ratio of your score to the maximum possible points determines your fraction of the 5 extra credit points. (You can not get more than 5 points this portion of the grade.)

Note that you can expect some technical problems during the semester such as having a dead battery in your remote (or no network service if using "SoftClick"). You are responsible for maintaining the functioning of your remote. No credit will be given for questions in class if you forget your remote or it is not working or you do not respond to the question in the allotted time. You may not bring anyone else's transmitter to class if that person is also taking this course. Doing so violates our academic honesty policy, and the incident will be filed with the Dean of Student's Office.

We will email your scores for the student response questions once a week, assuming that you do the required registration of your remote. To receive credit for your responses, your remote number must be registered on the H-ITT registration page.

Letter Grade

Total minimal scores (out of 100 points) ensuring a particular letter-grade are shown below (grades are not rounded). Note that this scale is absolute and will not be adjusted to a curve. This ensures that there is no competition between students.

Minimum (out of 100 points)

Keeping track of your grade

You will be given your scores for each component of the course in a timely manner, and it is your responsibility to keep a record of them to know how you are doing in the course.

  1. You will be e-mailed your H-ITT scores approximately once a week.
  2. Your homework scores are available from Wiley Plus.
  3. Your quiz scores are on the graded quizzes, which are handed back to you in discussion section. They are also available on the E-Learning system for this course. You should keep your quizzes as a reference and also in case there is a discrepancy between the score you see on E-Learning and the one on your graded paper.
  4. Your exam scores will also be posted to E-Learning, and you will receive your question sheet and any scrap paper from the exam in the first class period after the exam has been graded.

Students with disabilities

Students requesting classroom accommodation for disabilities must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation before an exam.