Home » Welcome to UF Physics first Dirac Post-Doctoral Fellow
Sarbajaya Kundu

Welcome to UF Physics first Dirac Post-Doctoral Fellow

UF Physics would like to welcome its first Dirac Post-Doctoral Fellow,  Dr. Sarbajaya Kundu.  Dr. Kundu received her BSc degree from the Presidency College (at the University of Calcutta) in 2013 and her PhD from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in 2019 (with Prof. Vikram Tripathi).  For the last two years, Dr. Kunda has been a post-doc at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, working with Professors Claude Bourbonnais and David Senechal.  Her research focus is in correlation effects in topological phases of matter, topological superconductivity, Kitaev quantum magnets, and magnetic-field—induced phases of matter. Prior to coming to UF, Dr. Kundu had collaborated with a large number of Maglab scientists on the experimental study of a Kitaev candidate material, sodium iridate.

A UF Dirac Fellow acts as a liason between the theoretical and experimental efforts both within UF and across the three Maglab sites (Gainesville, Los Alamos, Tallahasee). Starting in 2021 (and until funding continues), there will be a Dirac Fellow affiliated with UF.


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